Workshop, Seminar and Public Lecture Topics
Manifest Your Purpose:
Using Possibility, Vision and Intention.
Life Satisfaction:
Creating a Richer, Fuller Existence
Meaningful Personal Connections:
Creating More Nourishing, Joyful Relationships at Home and Work
The Power of Androgyny:
Integrating Feminine and Masculine Qualities into an Effective,
Productive Self
Humanitarian Corporate Environments:
Inspiring Inherent Power, Potential and Peak Performance
Having it All!
Creating Balance Among Self, Family and Work
Make a Difference!
Power That Inspires, Supports and Works
It May Not Be What You Think
Give up the Struggle and Win!
The Myths of Power and Control
You'll Find it Inside
Finding Inherent Self:
Being the Best you Can Be.
Finally! Instructions:
Twelve-Step Principles That Work
The Power of Acceptance and Surrender
Self Appreciation:
Finding Your True Value
Shaping Your Legacy:
Parent Power and Effectiveness
Appreciating Humanity:
Experiencing the Richness and Joy of Human Differences
Receiving the Gifts:
Allowing Prosperity and Abundance into Your Life